Camping & Astrotourism - Albania

Camping & Astrotourism

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Albania is one of the best countries for real adventures into the nature . The country offer a lot of camping sites from South to the North and from East to the West . They are furnished with all the necessities in very economic prices, with very hospitable staff , and also with food services for the tourist that prefer visit Albania through their own camper vans or rent just a tent. That is not a difficult thing to tent into the nature , national parks or beaches , in some places can be forbidden so we suggest anyway to contact with the info points of the National Agency of Protected Areas or Municipialities that you visit. At Shebenik Jabllanica National Park (Fushe Studen locality nearby Librazhd town) is offered for the very first time the Astro-Tourism tours when you can also tent and discover a remarkable connection with the cosmos.

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